Ou comment maîtriser l’art de la ballade (varier une mélodie grâce au souffle et à l’intention, travailler sur les les modifications rythmiques et mélodiques…)
(décembre 2019)
May The Music Never End…
Gina Lollobrigida chante « C’est magnifique »… Pour accueillir la nouvelle année… 1973, à Budapest!
Aretha Franklin & Billy Preston – O Holy Night – Nightlife With David Brenner (1986)
Aretha Franklin – O Holy Night (2009)
The earth has music for those who will listen
This beautiful quote is often attributed to Shakespeare or George Santayana, but only recently was it discovered to be written by an unknown poet, Reginald Holmes, as part of his poem, The Magic of Sound.
I’ve heard the soft whisper of wind in the pine trees,
The silvery ripple of brooklets at play;
I’ve heard the low voice of a sweet singing mother
As she sang to her child at the end of the day.
I’ve heard the faint rustle of sails in the sunset
And blue waves caressing the wild, rockbound shore;
The whistle of trains as they cross the green prairie
And mountains re-echo the cataract’s roar.
The notes of the organs in ancient cathedrals,
Where hearts of the faithful are lifted in song;
I’ve heard the gay laughter as children were playing,
The chatter and buzz of a large, happy throng.
The earth has its music for those who will listen;
Its bright variations forever abound.
With all of the wonders that God has bequeathed us,
There’s nothing that thrills like the magic of sound.